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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Shoot 'Em Up: Great movie or greatest movie?

"I'm delivering a baby with my other hand. no joke"

Check out the trailer for the movie that everyone at Comic-Con was excited about.

Clive Owen lives up to his status as an action movie badass with a new thriller co-starring Paul Giamatti and the gorgeous Monica Belluci. Shoot 'Em Up is a slick spoof of hyper-intense action movies - think Bourne Supremacy-meets-John-Woo-meets-crack.

transformers are better than people

"One of these kids is not like the other one of these kids is cool!"

Seriously, I don't care what gender you are, you have to admit that one of these toys is simply far superior to the other.

Random hilariousness: click here to check out a youtube vid of some guys showing off their functional Transformers costumes. Oh engineers.

Mean Girls is a not a chick flick

post to come