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Saturday, October 20, 2007

My Tribute to Michael Bay

"Pearl Harbor sucks... just a little bit more than I miss you"

Michael Bay (Transformers, Pearl Harbor, Armageddon, Bad Boys I/II) may just be the most successful douche bag in Hollywood. Here's some quotes that may offer insights into his "genius":

Secretary Of Defense: Those aren't ideas, those are special effects.
Michael Bay: I don't understand the difference.
Secretary Of Defense: I know you don't. (to guards) Get him out of here!
- South Park Imaginationland episode

"Ubiquitous through the (Transformers DVD) extras is action auteur Michael Bay... some viewers may be put off by his working methods - fetishizing deadly weapons, browbeating his crew, and casting Megan Fox in part because she has 'a nice stomach'. Why he would reveal such dirt is a mystery. Then again, like the movie, it's really entertaining."
- Joshua Rich, Entertainment Weekly

"Michael Bay gets to keep making movies and Cartman gets his own theme park; there is no God."
- Kyle, South Park

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